INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE BENEFITS Annual Membership is January 1 - December 31
National + Local
General $115 ( $95 + $20) A through G
Senior (65 years and over) $85 ( $65 + $20) A through G
Student $75 ( $55 + $20) A through G
Dual $140 ( $120 + $20) A through G
International (General) $140 ( $120 + $20) A through G
Interim Life $380 ( $360 + $20) A through G
Life $1,820 ( $1,800 + $20) A through H
Associate $95 ( $75 + $20) F and G
Corporate $1,550 ( $1,500 + $50) A through I
Institutional $300 ( $250 + $50) A through I
A) A free digital subscription to all publications (Journal of African American History, Black History Bulletin, Fire!!!: The Multimedia Journal of Black Studies) Print annual subscriptions are available to members for an additional $20 for the JAAH and $20 for the BHB. The digital subscriptions for all named publications include all back issues.
B) Discounts on Conference Registration Fees.
C) One vote at each year’s Executive Council election.
D) Ability to post books to the ASALH Bookshelf.
E) Post your news, events, and job to the ASALH Community Board for free.
F) Ability to present at the Annual Conference.
G) Ability to participate in the Author’s Book Signing Event at the Annual Conference.
H) A print as well as a digital subscription to the Journal of African American History. (Branch members will receive a print copy.)
I) Corporate and Institutional Members also receive two sets of the Black History Month “Kit” (Posters and other materials), two print and digital subscriptions to the Black History Bulletin, two subscriptions to the print and digital version of the JAAH, and all the same benefits that individual members receive.
If you have further questions, contact Les Estienne, email:
Payments can be made:
Check or Money Order made out to: JTB ASALH and mailed to 2650 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street Indianapolis, IN 46208 P.O. Box 88082
Invoices are available upon request.
JTB ASALH, Inc. is a 501©3 non-profit. Contributions are tax-deductible.